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Automatic Serial Number Row in HTML Table
Filled in Coding
In this post I will explain how to add automatic serial numbers to rows in HTML table with CSS and then how you can do it with JavaScript. CSS Method for adding automating serial number for each row We can do it very easy with...
Learn Ember.js with Ember-CLI by Practice Part 1
Filled in Coding
This will be a series of posts in which I’ll try to build an SCRUD ember application from scratch. Please note that I’m not an expert with Ember.js, so maybe I’ll do some mistakes and please do not take my work as best practices. I...
Git Tab Autocompletion for Commands in Bash
Filled in Coding
In OSX Bash you could use to autocomplete file paths. You can also use My Dotfiles to get tab completion for SSH hostnames based on ~/.ssh/config and many more commands. You need to get the .git-completion.bash from Repository or you cand use this command in...
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