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Useful NPM and NVM commands
Filled in Coding
NPM is the node package manager that comes with node.js and you can use it right away after you have node installed. NVM is used to manage your node versions. Don’t have nvm installed? Check out install guide or you can use my dotfiles to...
Bash Completion for Docker Commands
Filled in Coding
I’m assuming that you have Homebrew installed. You can use my dotfiles to customize your terminal and get more features and autocompletion for many commands or you can follow this post to add bash completion for docker. # Tap homebrew/versions so you can install bash...
How to install MongoDB on OSX using Homebrew or Docker
Filled in Coding
In the first part we will see how to install MongoDB using Homebrew and how to setup our database directory so we can have right access, then in the second part you can see how to start a mongodb container with docker and how to...
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