In this post I will explain how to add automatic serial numbers to rows in HTML table with CSS and then how you can do it with JavaScript.

CSS Method for adding automating serial number for each row

We can do it very easy with CSS but on each row we need to create an empty td tag where our automatic number will be inserted as in the following:

<table class="css-serial">
      <th>1st Column</th>
      <th>2nd Column</th>
      <!--intentionally left blank-->
      <td>Column 1</td>
      <td>Column 2</td>
      <!--intentionally left blank-->
      <td>Column 1</td>
      <td>Column 2</td>
      <!--intentionally left blank-->
      <td>Column 1</td>
      <td>Column 2</td>

And now our CSS file will look like this:

.css-serial {
  counter-reset: serial-number;  /* Set the serial number counter to 0 */

.css-serial td:first-child:before {
  counter-increment: serial-number;  /* Increment the serial number counter */
  content: counter(serial-number);  /* Display the counter */

As you can see above I use a class for the table on which I want to add automatic serial number because there are a table where you don’t need serial number. Also you can use table direct to reset the counter then also change the .css-serial td:first-child:before with table td:first-child:before to apply automatic serial number on every table.

jQuery Method to add automating serial number for each row

I prefer this method because the markup is cleaner and don’t need to left any td tags empty, also the th tag will be added automatically.

<table class="js-serial" border="2">
      <th>1st Column</th>
      <th>2nd Column</th>
      <td>Column 1</td>
      <td>Column 2</td>
      <td>Column 1</td>
      <td>Column 2</td>
      <td>Column 1</td>
      <td>Column 2</td>

And our javascript file will look like this:

function addRowCount(tableAttr) {
    $('th:first-child, thead td:first-child', this).each(function(){
      var tag = $(this).prop('tagName');
    $('td:first-child', this).each(function(i){

// Call the function with table attr on which you want automatic serial number

For more tips on how to add automatic serial number with jQuery please see this post.